It's that time of the year again. How I wish I'm still talking about Christmas, New Year's Eve and the entire holiday break. I have to get on my knees, literally and figuratively. My favourite time of the year is over. It's time to face 2016 for real. Tomorrow is my first working day for 2016.

Unlike the previous holiday breaks, I believe I became the busiest in 2015. I was at home yet I was blessed with a number of freelance works. Three down, two to go. As always, I spent the night until dawn working things out. I spent the next entire day sleeping. A few years ago, my body is responding well with this working arrangement. I'm fine as long as I'm able to recover at least eight hours of sleep. Unfortunately this time, my body was sending me reminders that things shouldn't be done this way. My arms started to ache. I started to experience headaches. The worst that happened was a prolonged case of stomach ache and indigestion. My unpredictable meal intake is partly to blame. There was even a time when I took lunch at 4:00 pm. I woke up so hungry. I overate. I think I forgot to properly reheat the food. The ending, I was nursing the worst case of stomach ache on the 30th. I felt better on New Year's Eve. But my appetite was nowhere to be found. Hahaha And for us Filipinos, this is probably the worst you can wish for your enemy. Hahaha To lose your appetite when the entire family is feasting over the best food. Define torture! Hahaha

New Year's Eve was spent with my family who probably has the most boring way of celebrating. We don't ever purchase fire crackers. We don't even create the loudest noise. Our doors and windows were closed to prevent smoke residues. Ours meant bringing all the food in the living room, watching TV and zzzzz. On the first day of the year, we visit my paternal family for lunch. We gave been doing this for years and I intend to keep it this way. I love our monotonous celebration. :) I don't have photos from New Year's eve. I was lazy and still gathering the energy to convince myself that I have appetite. I can't be defeated. Hahaha What's left in my camera were from the days before I felt unwell.

  Hometown scenery - Everyone is about to start their day, while I'm just about to sleep.

One of my favourite roads / intersection in my hometown - I love that everything here is less crowded and relatively quiet

Cheddar Burgers - one of my favourite burgers served in our hometown

Discovered a quaint art gallery and shop still in my hometown

I will capture more photos the next time I visit 

Dream! Dream! Dream!

Another dream for this year, please wait for me! I will come back soon for these babies :)

And I just died Hahahaha I love you HA SEOK-JIN! One of the shallowest things that made me happy, he has an official Instagram account. Hahahahaha I won't share it here because he's mine Hahahahahaha

I have a little funny story though. I discovered Ha Seok-Jin's official Facebook page. At least in my network of friends, I don't know anyone who shares my level of addiction with K.dramas. As I was navigating his Facebook page, I discovered a Facebook contact who liked all the uploaded images of Ha Seok-Jin. Rivalry? Joke Hahahaha I have no problems at all except that I have long suspected that this Facebook friend is a closeted member the happy and gay community. Wala lang. Hahaha I have nothing against this acquaintance. I'm actually happier because I think I found a friend who can relate to my "handsome" interests. Hahahaha I just wish that Ha Seok Jin is not in anyway gaaaay?!?