The past week ended with the annual employee recognition night at the workplace. While it has been the same event every year, one thing makes all the difference. The speeches of colleagues, who have rendered 30 years of service, never fail to make those painful pinches in my heart. It took decades before these heartwarming stories were heard. Sadly, it also meant spending a lifetime before their little yet significant contributions were appreciated.

It was supposedly a night of celebration, but part of me feels otherwise. I fear retirement beyond death. Part of me feels worried of my colleagues' retirement. Not everyone has kids to support them. And as much as I don't want to think about it, I'm wishing that everyone has enough money to support their remaining years. This is actually one of my motivations for pursuing a career in freelancing. When the law already forbids me to work, I still have a source of income and the opportunity to feel useful and productive.

I was suppose to write a happy post here. So setting aside this melancholy atmosphere, here are the beautiful things that happened last week. :)

Two of my freelance clients are done with their dissertation - It felt like a huge thorn in my throat was finally taken away. It's a rare privilege to help people achieve their career goals.

Tried the famous Ramon Lee's fried chicken in Binondo for the first time - I've been working in Manila for a decade. Binondo is only a few minutes away from my workplace, but I haven't fully explored the popular restaurants. In the middle of the week, me and my friend MFA got to try Ramon Lee's chicken. Thanks to the unexpected traffic and a bad day that forced us to walk towards the train station. We got tired and decided to have dinner. ;)

What weekend mornings are made of - Puto Calasiao in a slow and relaxing weekend 

Love Letters of Great Men and Women - It finally arrived, thank you Book Depository! Although to be honest,the book gets a little boring with all the historical accounts. On a different note, I noticed that the most cherished letters are products of forbidden love. :p

Thanks Ash and Muff for my personalized and embroidered pouch 

Surprised to see a few sheets of Papemelroti's old stationery! -  If I'm not mistaken, I had this pad back in High School. I used it to write my palanca letters for my friends.

When the week started, the local ad of McDonald's caught my attention. It has been initially shown months ago, but it was only last week when I started to appreciate its message. Parents are love. :) It spoke so much about me.

Days after, Jollibee's series of Valentine's videos came in. Tears!!!!My favorite is about the father who passed away. 

The entire team behind the concept should be commended. To say it was a success is an understatement.

Then just this weekend, a local brand of cooking oil broke all records. Minola's Valentine series is a LEGEND!!!!  Hahahahaaha I cannot even choose a favorite. Hahahaha I'm wondering if Minola still have something "hidden" for us. I'm secretly hoping, there will be installments lined up. The team behind Minola's ad from its conception to execution should be given a bonus!!!! 

More than the attention drawn by these ads, I once again saw a living proof that promotions are no longer on TV or print.  Social Media is the new platform to beat.

It's already halfway February and I'm starting to recall what have I accomplished. Soon enough, two months of 2017 is over. I haven't really set specific targets. At the very least, all I wanted is to feel accomplished and get closer to that dream of discovering my best domain and hopefully, build a more established career as a freelancer.