Having been working for a school, the celebration of Women's Month has been part of our regular activity. There's usually a month long line up of activities intended for female students and colleagues. If COVID19 didn't happen, there are ongoing events that would require us to temporarily leave our workstations. These days, when only a few of us are working onsite, the activities were limited to those that can be accommodated by Zoom or Google Meet. But TBH, the month of March gives me another set of memories. We had our first taste of community quarantine turned lockdowns last year. What we thought as a two-week class suspension was extended till the early weeks of June. I finally experienced my dream of wfm, though in the most unfortunate fate. 

One virus was all it took to cause all those drastic changes in our lifetime. All things considered, what I find unjust was the fact that no one was held accountable. Global health authorities releasing inadequate advisories. Medical professionals who were silenced, because of their efforts to warn the community. Government officials who refused to close our borders.

Going back to Women's Month, I have to admit that I miss the company of my small group of trusted female colleagues turned friends. Years ago, I spent considerable time for a Women's Month project with some female colleagues. I earned friends and at the same time, unearthed women pretending to support other women. This made me realize, we are still far from the idea of women empowerment, women-supporting-other-women. If given the chance to turn back time, I wouldn't wish to be spared from those painful experiences. I'm proud of my few support system and I rarely admit this, the woman I have become. 

Wishing everyone a great week ahead and hats off all the women reading this post. :)