Pardon my favorite line lately, if COVID19 didn't happen ..... more than half of my blog posts contain this favorite rant. If there's anything I miss the most, its the annual traditions with friends and family. No visits to the cemetery this year. Both random and planned family reunions, annual shopping date with my mother and even our Christmas visits to our family in North will never happen. At the workplace, Christmas parties have to be set aside. The festive atmosphere is nowhere to be found. I thought the introvert in me can always survive the rather solitary environment. For the first time, I miss the everyday chaos of school kids and colleagues. 

I started our quick November break at the supermarket. I used to enjoy trips to the supermarket but quarantine restrictions ruined it. I had plans of working, but procrastination overpowered me. So my overused cramming abilities were forced to be activated. In the end, I spent more time browsing my phone until I fall asleep. The pile of work does not seem to neither motivate or inspire me at all. 

One of the things that partly energized me was my auntie's gift, a mini-shopping spree from Amazon. :p With the help of a friend, I found a US based shopper seller offering the champagne bag from Kate Spade. We've been looking for that bag for as long as I can remember. 

I bought new plants for my workspace, even if I don't physically report to work everyday. I just need to see something refreshing to our quiet space. All the previous plants I had died after not reporting to work for 3 months. My Father has been telling me to visit the neighborhood ornamental plants farm. Everything is way cheaper than those posted by Instagram based sellers. Hopefully, I'll finish my never ending work tomorrow. I wish to end the week with a different view, literally and figuratively.  I have to admit, last week was not the best. 

We were threatened with an upcoming typhoon last weekend. I was thankful that our home was fully stocked with food and other essentials. Forgive my selfishness, but the colder weather felt soothing and comforting. It felt like it was something I badly needed. 

On top of work, online shopping has become an outlet or hard habit to break these days. When the community quarantine started, my credit cards have zero spending. I don't see the point of buying shoes, clothes, bags or anything. Back then, all I wanted was food, sleep and plenty of time to marathon a lot of Korean drama. But I messed up the past two months. When I checked my recent credit card bill, I was surprised with my transactions. My expenditures can already afford that dream Tory Burch Minnie flats. :p  Speaking of shopping, 11-11 is coming soon. Shopee and Lazada are both calling me. :D

Wishing everyone a great weekend! This post is way too late.